Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
AABAS.ZIP | Yes | 39405 | 11/21/1994 | AABAS 2.0 is a library of BIOS and DOS calls. (Thomas G. III Hanlin) (Reg.Fee: $8) |
BAS42.ZIP | Yes | 206176 | 8/10/1994 | BASIC Etc. 4.2 is a QuickBASIC library containing routines for window handling, equipment info, string editing, menubar support, screen handling, and more. (Ryan Johnson) (Reg.Fee: $22-52) |
BASDLX.ZIP | Yes | 5203 | 10/16/1993 | Basic Deluxe is a set of assembly language routines to be called by compiled BASIC programs. (Gustavo Verdun) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
BASWIZ.ZIP | Yes | 194758 | 11/21/1994 | BASIC Wizard's Library 3.0 is a set of routines written in BASIC and assembly language for use with the QuickBASIC and BASCOM compilers. (Thomas G. III Hanlin) (Reg.Fee: $39) |
BOYETT.ZIP | Yes | 325400 | 10/18/1993 | Boyett Utils For BASIC 1.0 is a collection of utilities for use with QuickBasic, QBasic, PDS, and GW-Basic. (Will Boyett) (Reg.Fee: $27) |
BP_TOOL.ZIP | Yes | 51490 | 10/17/1993 | Basic Programmer's Toolbox 1.0 is a collection of over 70 routines and functions for QB and PDS. (Bill Smith) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
FUNGUS.ZIP | Yes | 90181 | 10/17/1994 | Fungus 3.0 is a collection of functions for BASIC programmers. (Mike DeBacker) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
HOMONLIB.ZIP | Yes | 194654 | 4/20/1995 | HomonLIB 1.0 is a collection of QBASIC functions. (Raymond W. Marron) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LANGWV24.ZIP | Yes | 501021 | 10/7/1994 | LangWin 2.4 is a QuickBASIC program development toolkit. (Allen L. Lang) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LIBWIZ.ZIP | Yes | 113757 | 11/23/1994 | Library Wizard 2.0 is a collection of utilities for managing BASIC libraries. (Thomas G. III Hanlin) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MASTER.ZIP | Yes | 16735 | 10/16/1993 | Master Mind Source contains the C++ source code for the game MasterMind. (Don Spady) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MAXBASC.ZIP | Yes | 42962 | 10/16/1993 | MaxBASIC is a set of routines, sub-programs and files for QuickBASIC/PDS. (Marquis Computing) (Reg.Fee: $5-$15) |
PBC30.ZIP | Yes | 361808 | 11/23/1994 | PBClone Library 3.0 is a powerful set of routines written in assembly language for QB programmers. (Thomas G. III Hanlin) (Reg.Fee: $39) |
PBFUN.ZIP | Yes | 6750 | 7/26/1994 | PowerBASIC Functions 1.0 is a set of PowerBASIC routines for performing a variety of tasks. (David Cantrell) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
Q4T16B.ZIP | Yes | 89254 | 8/25/1993 | Q4Tool Library 1.6 is a small collection of programming tools for QB4+. (Richard Crouch) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $24) |
QBTOOL.ZIP | Yes | 94173 | 11/8/1993 | QBTOOL is a set of routines for QuickBASIC 4.50. (Mike Finister) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
QBWARE.ZIP | Yes | 185946 | 12/31/1990 | QBWare is a comprehensive set of callable routines for QuickBasic. (AJM Software) (Reg.Fee: $39) |
QLIB57.ZIP | Yes | 257689 | 3/25/1994 | QLib 5.7 is a library of assembly language subroutines for QB, PDS and VBDOS. (Douglas Herr) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
SHORTSUB.ZIP | Yes | 3289 | 10/27/1994 | Shortsub offers the following short subroutines: Yes or no at X1,Y1 location, Functions, Continue routine, Upperfy a string (in X$), Printer error routines (80 COLS), Printer error routines (40 COLS), Load disk A and disk B, Sets output for screen, or printer, and Reset function keys. (D. G. Patterson) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SUPPRT1.ZIP | Yes | 18953 | 7/22/1994 | SUPPRT1.BAS is a collection of functions and subprograms to use in controlling a compiled QB 4 program. (Brian Dinsmoor) (Reg.Fee: $0) |